how to integrate the confluence page into my application ?

JayaChandranadh Kommu
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August 27, 2020

Hi All,

We have a requirement where we need to integrate the confluence page into my application which is build on reactJS (Frontend) and Spring Boot (Backend).

The requirement is:

Instead of access and use confluence directly, we want integrate the confluence into my existing application. So, that we can have similar look and feel of confluence along with customised UI where we can upload/edit the content (with customised format) and download into as word/pdf document.

My Application is build based on reactJS and Spring Boot (DB: Postgres). Do we have any plug-ins/libraries to implement the above requirement with these stack. 

Kindly someone please suggest me.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 27, 2020

You would need to effectively recreate most of Confluence's code in your application, with all of its supporting libraries and tech, and get your application to handle a REST connection to Confluence such that it can get the working data out, and push changes back in.

I'd strongly recommend just using Confluence, I can't see any benefit of duplicating Confluence inside another application.

JayaChandranadh Kommu
I'm New Here
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August 27, 2020

Thank you @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- for the reply.

We would like to have our own format when adding and downloading content and also it should be accessible to Application users. That is the reason we are planning to integrate it into our Application.

It would be helpful if you provide us the supporting libraries for reactJS/Spring boot applications. Thank you!!

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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August 27, 2020

There aren't any supporting libraries, you are going to have to write a massive chunk of Confluence functionality into your application.

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