I have a space containing several hundred pages, and I'm attempting to create a catalog of these pages and some of their content excerpted using a the Children Display macro, Excerpt Include macro and the Table of Contents macro.
When rendering the Children Display macro for a parent page I get the following structure:
<Parent 1 title>
<Parent 2 title>
where all children consist of <h3> elements linking to the specific page, along with a pre-defined excerpt. In addition, I have a header denoting which parent page these children belong to.
Now, with hundreds of pages, I want to be able to navigate the catalog using the Table of Contents macro. The macro renders fine, but I am only able to use the jump links for my parent titles. This seems to be because the child links do not get assigned an id:
<a href="#" class="toc-link">Child jump link</a>
Whereas the parent titles do:
<a href="#Parent-title" class="toc-link">Parent title</a>
Is there any way of forcing the Children Display macro to assign IDs to its children links? If not, are there any other workarounds for achieving a catalog such as this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.