User profile list macro

Austin M November 22, 2022

Hello. I was hoping to insert a user profile macro that displayed small user profiles, similar to that is used on the team page (per the attached screen shot).

Is this achieved through setting up groups, and inserting a user list, or is it through another macro? 

Screen Shot 2022-11-23 at 7.48.15 am.png

1 answer

1 vote
Klaida Sulko November 24, 2022

Hi Austin,
to respond your request, we have a solution for that... I would suggest to try the User Profiles for Confluence app.
This app helps you to use a contact person macro that makes it easy to display and identify colleagues in charge of a certain topic in Confluence Cloud.

 Chris Muller 3.png

I would suggest to give it a try! It is free for 30 days! Here, you can start your free trial!
I hope that this solution will fit with your needs!


Kind Regards,

(Communardo Products)

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