Status report is not available for your version of JIRA. Upgrade to JIRA 6.1.1 or later to use this

Sudhir Poodar
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August 23, 2018

Hi Team,

We are using Cloud version of Jira software and Confluence. From yesterday, when we are trying to create a Jira report it gives an error message.

"Status report is not available for your version of JIRA. Upgrade to JIRA 6.1.1 or later to use this "


Let me know the solution, It's impacting on user and data producitvity.




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Manon Soubies-Camy
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August 23, 2018

Hello @Sudhir Poodar,

This looks like an application links issue. I would:

  1. Re-index both Jira and Confluence - since you're on Cloud, you can request that to be executed by filing a ticket at
  2. If the re-index did not help, check the Jira-Confluence application links. You can delete and re-create them without losing any data.

Hope this helps!

- Manon

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