Roadmap Planner

Eva Näther
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December 3, 2018

Hi all,
in the Roadmap Planner, are the values in weeks - how can I specify them in calendar weeks?


Thanks for your support!


4 answers

1 vote
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 5, 2018

Hi Eva,

Can you clarify what you want to see exactly?

Do you want to display this as a calendar showing Monday through Sunday?

Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 12.52.56 PM.png



0 votes
KFL December 14, 2018

Hi, Shannon,
thank you for the info and the creation of the ticket.
Do I have to add anything to the ticket: CONFSERVER-57665 or is this internal for you?
Can you give me some feedback in a few weeks about the status here?

LG Kai 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 14, 2018


The ticket is public and will be seen by our development team so please do comment there with your feedback and usage case.

Once you comment, you will automatically be watching the ticket and will receive any updates by email. I would also request that you vote on the request. This helps to show how in demand a request is and we use that to determine if a feature should be implemented. For more details, you can read our Implementation of New Features Policy.



0 votes
KFL December 7, 2018

Hi Shannon, 

danke dir für deine Info.

ist gut um das Fenster größer zu machen, hat aber bei mir nicht funktioniert. Aber das war nicht mein Anliegen. 

Wir brauchen in der Darstellung des Roadmap Planer 3 Optionen. 

1. links Spalte einfieren

2. oben Kopfzeile einfrieren

3. andere Darstellung der Datumsangabe zusätzlich eine KW Angabe (Kalenderwoche)

anbei ein Bild wie wir dies derzeit lösen. Hintergrund ist das unsere Produktmanager immer mit Kalenderwochen arbeiten und nicht mit dem eigentlichen Datum. 


Wäre dies möglich? 


KW Angabe Excel.PNGKW Angabe.PNG

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 10, 2018

Hello Kai,

Thank you for explaining that.

We have a feature request for sticking the date header of the macro. It's not possible currently, but you can vote on it and comment there with your usage case. You'll want it to be in English, however, so our developers and non-German speaking customers can read it:

  • CONFCLOUD-42989 Make Date header of Confluence Roadmap Planner macro sticky

As for your remaining requests, I'm still not following.

You said you want to insert a left column; what is your exact usage of this?

Lastly, I'm still not certain what you mean by calendar week. Do you mean you need the week number listed?


KFL December 10, 2018

Hi Shannon, 

yeah, exactly, I mean the week numbers. 

Can this be reprogrammed? 

LG Kai 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2018

Hi Kai,

This isn't possible, and I looked to see if there was an existing feature request, and there was not. I have therefore created one below:

Please vote on the request and comment there with your usage case.

If you have any other features you would like to see, feel free to submit them at

Thank you!


0 votes
KFL December 5, 2018

Hi Shannon, 

wir brauchen bitte eine KW (Kalenderwochen) Angabe. Es wäre toll wenn die Kopfzeile KW Angabe oben fest gefroren wird, sodass wenn wir runter scrollen diese nach kommt. 

Außerdem benötigen wir bitte eine größere Darstellung der Ansicht. Da wir sonst die Leiste immer ziehen müssen. 

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 7, 2018

Hi Kai,

Are you able to show me what you mean graphically?

From your description that you want the top part of the calendar week to freeze when you scroll, but I'm not sure I follow what you mean by that.

Is this what you were looking for?

  • CONFCLOUD-38300 Roadmap Planner - Add the Markers text to the top of the chart as well

This particular request has been closed, as we do not intend to implement it in the near future.

If this is not what you requested, then I need to see what you're referring to specifically. By "calendar week" what do you mean?

For your second request, although it's not related to this question specifically, I think it might be related to this feature request:

If so, please feel free to vote on the request and comment there with your usage case.



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