Project Initiation form location change

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March 8, 2021

I wanted to insert a form into project initiation form

2 answers

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 9, 2021

I Have created a form for collect information. But for the page the trigger should be in middle but I am not able to do it.

Its a java script for custom but don't know where to change to make it in middle. You can check in the pic.

Let me know if you need additional info.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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March 9, 2021


That is a very short and blunt question, but there's not a lot more we can ask.  We do not know what you are doing, why you think you want a "project initiation form", what one is for your organisation and so on.

If you could explain what you're trying to do and why it is a useful thing to do, we might be able to help you with it.

Without more information though, the best I can do is suggest you look at the Templates in Confluence, as they can help your people build standardised, guided pages.

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