Page aliases

GerardYin December 13, 2019

Hi Confluence,

Can you please consider the possibility to implement an aliasing system (just like Wikipedia's redirect feature).

So I mean, allowing to have one page:

  1. That has a given title. Example: ("General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)")
  2. But can be referenced from other pages either by the full title ("General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)"), or by an alias (for example "GDPR")

Having this feature would help a lot maintaining large scale Confluence space with the right governance, and a good SEO and user's experience; while making the lives of editors easier.


6 answers

1 vote
Jakub Sławiński
Rising Star
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December 13, 2019

On Confluence Cloud there is such functionality called "link to this page"


Screenshot from 2019-12-13 15-55-08.png

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 16, 2019

I can see that your needs are a bit more complex.

  1. You are absolutely right about one excerpt per page.  It's because of that I have developed a habit of writing quite short pages and then pulling long pages from many short ones, rather than few, longer pages.  The "multiple excerpt" macro in the marketplace is well worth a look though.  It does what it says on the tin - you can pull many excerpts from one source page.
  2. Simple links can display one block of text while linking in the background so the click goes to the right place
  3. Have a look at "shortcut links" in the admin section.  This (undervalued, in my opinion) function lets you set up things where people can type a key (optionally with data to add to it, so you can do stuff like post different search links etc) and have it automatically expanded to something else as a link.  In your case, I think I'd be tempted to set up a simple key of "GDPR" and have it expand out to the main Confluence link you want!
0 votes
GerardYin December 16, 2019

Thanks Jakub,

I clarified my need in reply to Nic's answer. Unfortunately the "link to this page" feature doesn't answer my needs.


0 votes
GerardYin December 16, 2019

Thanks for your answer,

I am not sure if the excerpt include solves my problem, as:

1. My pages all have multiple columns, and as far as I know, there can only be one excerpt per page, as we can't select which excerpt of the included page to be included in the including page. (I'd basically want to clone the full page)

2. I want the person who clicks on the page "GDPR" to arrive on a page called "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" and not a page called "GDPR" (this makes the content of the page more self explanatory from the title).

3. I want the editor experience to be not too much degraded by my requirement 2. Typing "[General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)]" or "[General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)|GDPR]" is lengthy for the editor, and I want them to only have to type "[GDPR]" instead and end up with the same result.

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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December 15, 2019

Wikipedia's redirect system is quite weak, compared with Confluence's "include" and "excerpt" functions. 

Have a look at the include and include-excerpt macros - they allow "edit once, show *everywhere*" functions that most wikis do not.

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
December 15, 2019

Wikipedia's redirect system is quite weak, compared with Confluence's "include" and "excerpt" functions. 

Have a look at the include and include-excerpt macros - they allow "edit once, show *everywhere*" functions that most wikis do not.

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