OpenAPI specification seems incomplete

Jim Reprogle January 4, 2024

The Confluence Cloud OpenAPI specification located here appears to be rather incomplete as far as examples where a POST requires a raw content body in JSON.

For example, the create_footer_comment function requires a CreateFooterCommentModel parameter. (See below).Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 09.44.53.png

But the example documentation on how to create one of those has empty JSON in it, leaving the programmer to figure it out for themselves via trial and (mostly) error.

Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 09.46.25.png

Has anyone had any luck figuring this out? I can do the same function in Postman, just not using the OpenAPI client generated from the spec listed above.

2 answers

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Jim Reprogle January 5, 2024

Here's a better way to do the example from the code. This one works, and I've included the JSON for you.

Screenshot 2024-01-05 at 13.41.52.png

0 votes
Jim Reprogle January 4, 2024

For reference, these markdown files were generated with openapi-generator-cli.

I originally tried using swagger-codegen, but had to do too much patching and overriding of classes to stick with it.

I've been trying to read the generated documentation, as well as the swagger-ui view of it, and I can't seem to figure out how to properly create the json body of the request. Perhaps I'm being obtuse or I've overlooked something. I'd welcome any help.

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