New editing experience - How to get macros display wide or full width?

Crystal May 15, 2019

When I insert macros into a page using the new Confluence editing experience, it gives the option to display centered, wide, or full width. However, after publishing the page, the macros display as centered. 

I have tried this with both the JIRA issue macro (to display a table of issues) and also with the roadmap macro. In both cases, when viewing in editing mode it displays correctly, but not on the published page.

How can I make these display correctly with wide or full width?

Edited: to include more details with additional macros this is also happening with

3 answers

1 accepted

1 vote
Answer accepted
Thomas Øhrbom
May 20, 2019

This is a bug, and it appears to affect quite a few macros. I have reported issues with the Trello macro (CONFCLOUD-66523) and the Include Page macro (CONFCLOUD-66520).

1 vote
Bob Sovers
June 7, 2019

It also applies to the pageTree macro (and is filed as this:  CONFCLOUD-66771  )


Maybe if we vote for ALL of these, Atlassian will fix it!

0 votes
Michael R_ Wolf
October 8, 2019

If every macro in context appears incorrectly, I propose that the _context_ has a bug, not the macro.  Don't blame the contents for a bad container.

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