Make Comments permanent / non-editable / non-deletable // Kommentare nicht editierbar nicht löschbar

Felix Turbanisch December 20, 2019

I want to use some pages as proof of work and proof of time of that specific work. 

It's like signing that I have read those instructions, or I have worked through that training.

In cases of audits, I want those comments to be permanent and not editable or deletable and with a timestamp.


Is it possible to set comments globally as non editable and non deletable?

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 2, 2020

Hello Felix,

Thank you for contacting us about this.

It's not possible to lock comments for editing while still allowing users the ability to comment. There was a feature request for this in the past, but it has been closed as we don't have plans to implement this in the near future.

  • CONFCLOUD-20658 Unable to prevent editing of comments in administration GUI

Note that Confluence does create versions of comments, but it's not possible to review these in the UI. They are stored in the database, as you can see in How to view the edit history of a comment.

Unfortunately, as a Cloud user you won't be able to access the database in order to see this information.

Let me know if you have any questions about that.



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