Hey everyone,
We are currently experiencing problems on one of our 2 data center nodes. On that node, users who visit the "All-updates" Page will not see any of the updates that have recently happened. The other node works just fine.
The atlassian-confluence.log on the erroneous node shows the following message:
[search.v2.lucene.SearcherWithTokenAction] internalPerform Error encountered in lucene search: null
-- referer: https://wiki.our-anonymized-url.com/ | url: /rest/dashboardmacros/1.0/update
Executing the Rest call yields: {"noContentMessage":"This tab shows all recently updated content. Create some content to see it appear here.","changeSets":[],"tabKey":"all"}
We are running a 2000 user license, so there are lots of changes every day, and as I stated before, on node 1 these updates are shown without problems.
Both nodes have currently updated from 7.17.5 to 7.19.5, using the "upgrade WITH downtime method". The error does indeed show up immediately after the upgrade.
I could not find anything related here in the forums. Any idea pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.