Live Search Does Not show Drop Down List of Results for Anonymous users

Hemant Kapila
January 14, 2018

I have placed a live search bar on my space home page and restricted it to search within the same space.

When I use this search while logged in as a Confluence use, typing the keyword immediately shows the list of matching articles as a drop-down.

When I use this search as an anonymous user, typing the same word doesn't generate a drop-down list of results.

The same results are displayed when I enter the keyword and hit enter.

Please let me know what additional is needed here.


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Daniel M.
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 7, 2024

Hey Hemant,

Quick Search and Live Search features are not available for unlicensed users.

There are some public tickets tracking this:



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