Jira User Server Configuration for Confluence

Arun Ghanta February 21, 2018

Our infra has Jira configured with LDAP and Confluence and Bitbucket come to Jira for LDAP login.

Unfortunately, this had to be re-configured and now we're stuck at bringing Jira and Bitbucket back on board. 

I am really not sure what goes in the field of Application Name and Password.

How can I find these values and where for both Confluence and Bitbucket.

Please help!!


2 answers

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Arun Ghanta March 5, 2018

Thank you very much for the solution Oliver.

That's already configured however, I wasn't sure about connecting Confluence to Jira.

Later I ended up finding that it's something that you make up in Jira User Server category first by adding the IP or FQDN of Confluence and then authenticate Confluence using those credentials.

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Oliver Straesser
February 22, 2018

you are in the wrong place. 

Go in Confluence & Crowd to User Directories and add there Jira as directory


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