Is it possible to manage default email settings for all Confluence users?

Nicholas Hudson
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January 4, 2019

I asked this question once before, but it seems that I may have posted it in the wrong place, so I haven't seen any answers yet. 

Our team recently moved from Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud. Since the migration, I've received a substantial number of complaints from users regarding the frequency and volume of email notifications sent to them. Just while our facility was closed for the holidays, I received no fewer than 150 email notifications from Confluence, one for every edit that was made to any element that was in my "watch" list, any action performed by another user who I was "following", etc.

The email notification settings need to be dialed back for ALL users in our Confluence instance, and I'd like to change the "default" settings so this doesn't have to be changed on a per-user basis moving forward. 

I've gone through all of the menus, read every shred of documentation I could find, and while it seems to be a snap for Confluence Server, everything I've found online leads me to believe that these changes are impossible in Confluence Cloud. 

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is this even possible to do, or do we need to wait for a new version of Confluence Cloud to be released, and hope the functionality we're looking for is added before then?

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!

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Atlassian Team
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January 8, 2019

Hello there Nicholas!

Currently, this is not possible within Confluence Cloud. We do have a Feature Request that tackles a similar situation here:

- Disable Email Notifications | CONFCLOUD-57677

And also another that takes in consideration almost exactly your situation:

- As Confluence Admin I would like to configure default Email Settings for users | CONFCLOUD-39970

We can proceed by voting and watching the reports. Votes increase the request visibility and watching it will keep you up to date with it!

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