Currently the decisions Report is very simple, but not very user friendly.
We make decisions in our Retros, and list them in a page "Team decisions".
We would like to show them per category, for example: "Team processes", "Development Practices", "Sales", whatever... but right now we can only see a table with the page where the decision was first written.
Suggested improvements:
- Be able to remove the page where the decision was documented
- Be able to add a label/category
- we are filtering using the "includes text" filter, and defining a category with a prefix (eg. we write "S | " when we mean a decision about "Sales") but right now it lists all decisions written in that page, even if they dont include the text defined
- Be able to delete the decision from the Decisions Page (for example, when we change our way of working and no longer need that on the decision Page), but we dont want to remove it from our documentation (right now, we need to either delete the decision, but we lose history, or we need to remove the decision macro, which loses visibility)