Is it possible to change the color of certain spaces / sites?

Timo March 28, 2022

I want to change the color of the bars. But not for the whole Confluence but for certain spaces (external / internal) or at least for specific sites in a certain space. 

Furthermore is it possible to change the background color of a page?


I've been searching for more than an hour on several web pages. But I've founded only solutions for On-premise.

Thanks for helping.

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Andy Gladstone
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March 28, 2022

@Timo you can change the appearance of the menu bar based on the logo that you choose to display in the bar - Confluence Cloud will select a matching color. You can also select themes by navigating to Settings>Look and Feel>Site Theme. This will change the color of the menu bar and the navigation bar.

Regarding page backgrounds, you cannot change their color from white on Confluence Cloud - it is the standard and default.

Timo March 28, 2022

Thanks @Andy Gladstone for the quick answer. :-) 

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