Integrate confluence page with development workflow

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November 18, 2017

I would like to check if someone could help me with a solution/idea for my problem:

I want a way to integrate the confluence pages with my development workflow. Currently, my team has the following workflow:
1) Open a new git branch
2) Write the code
3) Open a Pull request on bitbucket
4) Update the document on confluence

I'm looking for a way to integrate everything. What I want is the following.

1) Developer creates a new git branch and the confluence also creates a kind of new branch for the documentation

2) The developer writes the code and update the documentation, in the perfect scenario the confluence page would be updated by text (markdown or others alternatives)

3) The developer opens a pull request from the code and the confluence page together, in this way the team is going to review the code and the confluence page

So, any chance of some plugin or service be already doing this?
Is confluence capable of such things?
If the confluence is not the right tool for this, which tool could I use?

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