Insight Object Macro

Eidar Tøllefsen March 23, 2022

I want to display JSM Insight objects in Confluence cloud page ?, in the same way as in the server version ... how can i do it ?



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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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March 23, 2022

Hi @Eidar Tøllefsen,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

The short answer is no. At the moment the Insight macro for Confluence is only available for Server/Data Center.

Annicka Rosengren
March 30, 2022

Any plans in the roadmap to add this macro for cloud as well? Many dc and server customers are using it.

Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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March 30, 2022

@Annicka Rosengren that is a good question, there is a request to have it added, CONFCLOUD-72040. I also know that Atlassian Analytics will have possibility to generate reports with Insight data.

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Annicka Rosengren
March 30, 2022

I hope for the implementation of the macro as insight data often is part of the documentation pages - thanks for swift response

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