I can't copy the whole expandable macro on the confulence page

Justine El-Hage June 26, 2019


when I try copying or cutting the whole expandable macro that that already exists on the page with some information inside of it, it doesn't work. When I try copying or cutting the whole expandable macro with the keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse it also doesn't work, the page simply freezes and reboots.

Not sure if this makes any sense, but is there any way to fix this.

Please let me know,

Thank you in advance.


4 answers

1 vote
Justine El-Hage June 26, 2019

Thank you for your help!!

0 votes
Coco _El mejor_
June 26, 2019

I tried in both chrome and internet explorer (I don´t have installed chromium) and it works for me. i recommend you see this page and check if your system support it. Last year, I fixed a similar problem like this, and it was caused by the Virtual Machine. The assigned resources was bottleneck.

0 votes
Justine El-Hage June 26, 2019

Yes I am using Confluence server. The confluence edit page mainly freezes and then shows up again without any changes. I have been told that copying the micro may not work on internet explorer but it should work on chromium.

0 votes
Coco _El mejor_
June 26, 2019

Are you using Confluence server? It seems to be a problem with the instalation of the product or with your computer. is your Navigator reboots or the Confluence instance? You should be able to copy/paste content, included macros.

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