Huge PDF Sizes Exported from Confluence in v6.7.2

Anna McDonald May 15, 2018

We recently upgraded to v6.7.2 from 5.x (I think it was v5.7.) and custom PDF space exports are huge compared to what they were with the previous version we ran. The last space export I have is 18MB, and the export of the space now - with very few modifications and some reductions to the stylesheet - is at almost 850MB. I was able to use Acrobat to reduce the PDF size to 250MB, but it is still too unwieldy to use. Why is Confluence outputting such huge files?

6 answers

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Deleted user July 8, 2020

Seems crazy after all the $ for the Confluence licence to then need another application to do the job? In other news, my exports are so big they CRASH adobe acrobat! What's the actual process to get traction on this being properly resolved guys??? 

0 votes
Yvonne_Sanchez April 6, 2020

1. Open the PDF produced by Confluence in Adobe Acrobat.  

2. Click the Tools menu.

3. Select the Action Wizard.

4. Select Optimize for Web. 

0 votes
Shirly Tsang
October 4, 2019

We have encountered the same issue with our PDFs--a former 250MB PDF is now 2GB. We were unable to compress the PDF to a reasonable size. Is there a workaround?


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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
Community Leader
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September 2, 2019
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Deleted user September 2, 2019

We're running into this as well, did you manage to find a fix?

The problem is even worse since our documentation hits a 2GB limit and fails when the full site is exported.

Compared to an older export the file size has grown 700%, even though the number of pages have gone down.

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 23, 2018



We have met this problem on Confluence 6.10.2 as well. 


Have you fixed it?



Gonchik Tsymzhitov

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