I have a User's Guide with 50+ pages. I'd like to be able to create a separate Getting Started Guide by simply labeling the pages (a subset of the User's Guide) and then have them listed in the same order as they are listed in the User's Guide, in a hiearachy. The goal is to provide a guide with only the basics for the first-time user, by re-using pages that already exist in the complete User's Guide. I tried the various Label macros, but they don't retain the order or the hierarchy. Using the Chld Display macro, I can cobble together a fairly decent list, but I think it will lead to disaster as soon as more pages are added to the User's Guide.
User's Guide
Product Overview
How to Install
Basic Configurations
Admin Functions
Use Cases
Advanced Configurations
Getting Started Guide
Product Overview
How to Install
Basic Configurations
Use Cases