Hi, I am looking for a working, scalable solution to extend the use cases of Confluence to be used as mysingle platform for file storage. Basically my idea is, that Confluence acts as THE cental entry point for projects. Within the projects (Hard- and Software development), which are managed in Jira there will be produced a lot of artefacts which should be accessible from ONE single entry point, and the user should not have to take care about the place where these are physically be stored. Summarizing I am looking for a way how to solve the often mentioned problem, that Confluence is not a good system for the storage of many large files and at the same time being able to find files (mainly NOT Documents) within the project context.
I am talking about an installation with appx. 3000 users / 700 different file types from 1kb - 5GB / 500 Projects - 1 Confluence Space/project
Any approach/idea is appreciated!