Edit page - blocking issue

Antonio Calì
March 11, 2022

Some users of my organization are experiencing this message by clicking on pencil icon (edit mode) in a Confluence Page (already created):

We've lost our connection to you, so we've disabled editing to prevent any issues. You'll be able to edit once we reconnect. Trying to reconnect...

This is a random problem but also blocking.

Any suggestions on how to fix it?


2 answers

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James Richards
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 24, 2022

HI @Antonio Calì

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Can I ask, does this happen to all users or only some? We've seen issues like this happen when you might be on the corporate VPN or behind a corporate firewall.

Page editing in Confluence uses web sockets which are a continue connection between the browser and editing service. If the connection is broken, then you'll see these errors.

So, please try on different networks, different machines (e.g. home personal machine and office machine.)

Also, anti-virus, ad blocking and pretty much any tool that gets in-between your browser and the Atlassian server can break the connection.

Finally, and this is a bit technical, but have a look at the Network Tab in the developer tools and look for any connections that start with wss://wikidocs.services.atlassian.com/ and see if there are any errors.

Hope this helps.

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Piyush A (STR)
Community Leader
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March 11, 2022

It seems that the page does have large content causing this do load in abnormal fashion. 
Atlassian is aware of performance issues with large pages, as several bugs are currently being worked on : https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-70197and https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-64686

Since Atlassian is working on these, I don't think there an immediate fix to your issue rather than "try to break up your page into smaller pages".

Antonio Calì
March 14, 2022

Hi @Piyush A (STR) , thanks for your answer, we'll "try to break up your page into smaller pages".

As tickets you mentioned are Closed do you think Atlassian is solving the issue?

This issue is not acceptable as it's blocking for work activity of whole team.

Piyush A (STR)
Community Leader
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March 14, 2022

Yes, its not an acceptable case here. But for now 'breaking up to correct would be good here'.

Try to make it in expand the section and check the same data in the old legacy edition vs the new editor.


I'm not able to get the exact ticket tracking location for now.


Antonio Calì
March 14, 2022

with a heavy heart the workaround of breaking the page didn't work.

Piyush A (STR)
Community Leader
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March 14, 2022

What' all macro or data you've in the page (not the data) but macro,plugins etc'?

Antonio Calì
March 14, 2022

now I have only small tables and High level plan

Piyush A (STR)
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 14, 2022

Can you try below:

  • Remove Formatting and Try
  • Remove Plan and Try (then add small data plans) *Plans as Roadmap plans to consider
  • Check for the plugins or marco.


Also, if using chrome, try to check the console tab and network tab and check for the module consuming network or slowness.

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