Confluence problem

li si March 18, 2022

when i install confluence ,occurs error,

  • StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar
  • [CREATE TRIGGER denormalised_space_trigger_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON SPACES FOR EACH ROW sp: BEGIN DECLARE isServiceDisabled BOOL DEFAULT TRUE; CALL space_procedure_for_denormalised_permissions(isServiceDisabled); IF (isServiceDisabled) THEN LEAVE sp; END IF; IF (NEW.LOWERSPACEKEY = OLD.LOWERSPACEKEY) THEN LEAVE sp; END IF; INSERT INTO DENORMALISED_SPACE_CHANGE_LOG(SPACE_ID) VALUES (NEW.SPACEID); END;];
  • nested exception is com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'confluence.spaces' doesn't exist


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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March 18, 2022

"Table 'confluence.spaces' doesn't exist" implies a damaged or non-existent database.

I am sorry to say it, but we do not have enough context to work through the question.  Could you describe your database and system install, and how you have installed (or upgraded) your confluence?

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