Child page

Jorge Leite
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July 6, 2021

Why is it not possible to create child pages with the same name inside different pages on the same space?

I am trying to reorganize my space with like the following schema


             Product 1    Software



             Product 2   Software


I cannot create Hardware child page inside Product 1 and Product 2 because once created one when I am creating the 2nd one it pop up an error saying that I am already have 1 page calling Hardware.


Can someone help me?

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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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July 7, 2021

@Jorge LeiteThat's a limitation in Confluence.  What you can do is to give the page names like "Product1 - software" and "Product 2 - software".

Jorge Leite
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 8, 2021

Thank you for the answer @marc -Collabello--Phase Locked- I did it as you suggested.

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