SourceTree changed my application icon

Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

SourceTree changed my application icon into a rainbow icon. Because is an offensive icon to me I will delete my application. Goodbye Bitbucket! 
Github/Gitlab welcome back.

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3 votes
Deleted user June 18, 2019

the same

2 votes
Allan Thompson
June 18, 2019

I just wish companies like this wouldn't take sides either way. Yeah some people want to express their sexuality in different ways. OK. What does that have to do with Bitbucket/Sourcetree, etc.?

I mean, for example, they don't do a darn thing during Black History month. So it's not like I can expect them to be changing their icons like, say, does almost every week. 

And they pretend like its about including everyone. It's not. It's about making a particular socio-political statement that is not inclusive of all views or types of people. 

1 vote
Tamás Polgár June 18, 2019

My nation has just commemorated its greatest historic tragedy ever, which happened 99 years ago. I don't see anyone showing our flag in solidarity. Not for a month, but not even for a minute. I wonder what's so great about homosexuality that an entire month has to be dedicated to it?!

0 votes
Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2019


This is a temporary update to the logo that will revert after Pride week details on this can be seen in the following Blog post surrounding the initial changes that went out in 2013

However, there are some changes coming to this approach in the future, please check out this tweet thread that went out yesterday discussing the future plans surrounding this topic further:


0 votes
Tamás Polgár June 18, 2019

There are more Westerners thinking like us than they'd care to admit. I work in Montréal, and most of my colleagues dislike all this PC bullcrap. They don't really dare to speak up against it though. Freedom of speech, yeah, sure.

0 votes
Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

Nice to meet you.

0 votes
Tamás Polgár June 18, 2019


0 votes
Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

Because it's political correct..... Our nations our families our cultures will be destroyed.
Where are you from?

0 votes
Tamás Polgár June 18, 2019

Second that. You're free to put your junk wherever you want, but don't force it on me to celebrate your degeneracy. Sourcetree goes off my computer now.

0 votes
Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

Anyway, close case. I will move my projects on the Gitlab.

0 votes
Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

I referred to the support of traditional family or the idea of nationalism.

0 votes
Allan Thompson
June 18, 2019

You can be much more clear with what you're saying, Gabriel.

You mean when a domestic company supported the nation in which they operate in over other nations? Or do you mean something a bit more nuanced?

0 votes
Gaby Ivan June 18, 2019

And when they supported a nationalist movement?

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