Hi Everybody
Since this is a potential UseCase for our company I would like to discuss how others are dealing with this.
Let's say we have a Git branching workflow with feature branches and Jira ticket mentions in the commit messages. Maybe even some Confluence Page with requirements and further explanations.
Now its very common in industrial industries, that you have external audits. They want reports with what has changed and maybe why it has been changed.
Is there a simple way to generate like a flat file, where you have:
- Every ticket
- Its linked commits
- Review infos, maybe who did the review with timestamp, maybe the whole discussion about it.
And that per released version?
Haven't found that exact possibility in bitbucket, maybe crucible can do this?
What I found is many plugins that monitor the team (velocity and such...) which is not in our interest. It's more for making a nice to read report with every insight possible for someone who has to understand what was really goin on without having access to the actual system.
Let me know what you think!