Hi All,
Using BitBucket Repository (Cloud) and Bamboo Server 6.2.2
I have a scenario where I need to do the following.
1. PLAN-A - Want to check that the feature branch merges cleanly with the branch it was started from. Doe some compilation and basic checks.
I have configured a web hook on Bitbucket like this.
I have a Bamboo Plan with a remote trigger set. The plan creates a branch on pull request creation. This seems to work fine. If there are changes then the branch plan is created and executed.
2. PLAN-B - Merge the change into the branch it was branched from. Doe some compilation and checks. Push the merge back to BitBucket.
This kinda seems to work. Sometimes I feel like it says no changes detected. Also I cannot seem to configure a GateKeeper merge strategy. The option is simply not there.
Has anyone else had a scenario like this one?