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Feature update: Git LFS, conditional step support and various bug fixes

With the release of the latest Windows Runner, we’ve added the following features:

We also fixed a couple of bugs in this release, which includes:

  • The orphaned child process not getting killed properly when a runner is shutdown or a step gets stopped.

  • Runner do not response for stop step event immediately.

  • BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR variable not being set correctly.

Accessing the latest runner

In order to get the latest runner, you can select Runners in Repository settings or Workspace runners in Workspace settings under the Pipelines header.

Or you can use the following command to download it directly:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/bitbucket/pipelines/atlassian-bitbucket-pipelines-run
ner-1.277.zip -OutFile .\atlassian-bitbucket-pipelines-runner.zip

Limitations and Prerequisites

Git LFS support

In order to use Git LFS, you need to make sure you have Git LFS installed on your hosted machine. If you use chocolatey, then you can use the following script to setup Git LFS:

choco install git-lfs.install

Conditional step support

The glob path defined in the step condition can only support a slash (/) and not a backslash (\) even the step is runs on windows. So it would look like the example provided below:

- step:
name: step1
- self.hosted
- windows
- echo "failing paths"
- exit 1
# only xml files directly under path1 directory
- "path1/*.xml"
# any changes in deeply nested directories under path2
- "path2/**"




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