Psst, have you met the newbie?
What would you hand off to a newbie today? Share with us by leaving a comment below!
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Now I want to see the person version of all the AIs!
I'd love to handoff updating our knowledge base to a newbie. ✨
Hey Team,
So Exited for using new "newbie" can i know when is this sheduled to launch worldwide, it looks NextGen can`t wait to get a hands on on this
I'd love to handoff 'Stand in front of the Trustees Board and explain why ... happened / didn't happen!'
Phantastic, is there a release date available for this product, can't wait for being able to create more of them:) 🚀
Nice video, made by brilliant human brains ;-)
I can't wait to see the 'newbies' in action! :)
I wished they had filmed this in the actual Atlassian offices like they used to do back when the San Francisco office was still in Harrison Street.Wonderful video, I'm very much looking forward to trying out Rovo.
Phil Hyun
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