externalId field in Azure AD integration

Jarek Krochmalski October 11, 2019

Can I map some property in AD to externalId field in Atlassian Cloud? How to get that value later, using the REST API?

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leandropbarreto October 11, 2019

Hi @Jarek Krochmalski 

When you add an AD, they only retrieve groups, names, and e-mail from it.

If you have to get anything but that, you must create a middleware to input this information from AD to a Jira custom field via REST.


Róbert Szabó March 23, 2020

Hi @leandropbarreto ,

is your answer still valid?

Here is a wiki page about getting other attributes:


You can update these user attributes from you identity provider:

  • Display name
  • Email address
  • Organization
  • Job title
  • Timezone
  • Department
  • Preferred language

But I couldn't figure out how to use these attributes in Jira. Do you have some idea?


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