changing mail address

Joan Tarragó
I'm New Here
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July 25, 2019



when I tried to change my mail address, I got a message that 'my account  is managed by the identity provider' (manage the profile details in google admin).

not sure what next steps to do


is that due to the sync that we have with our 'old' Gsuite?, so we can't change our mail address?

what happens if I disconnect our gsuite ?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 30, 2019

Hi Joan,

Thank you for reaching out to Atlassian Community!
I was able to confirm that the domain of your email was claimed and it's due to GSuite.
If you disconnect GSuite, users will still be able to log in, they will not be affected, the only difference is that, as the GSuite won't sync, new users added to GSuite, won't have an account created on the instance and you won't be able to manage the users as well.


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