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Jira reports for Average time spent in status

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What is the average time your team spent to finish the project? Or how long does it take an assignee to complete a task on average? Let’s figure out what average metrics you can use in Jira.

How to find average time spent with Jira gadgets

With built-in Jira functionality, you can find some gadgets to count average metrics on the dashboard. Use the “Add gadget” button in the dashboard menu.

Average Age Chart 

This bar chart shows the average number of days issues were unresolved. It will help if you need to see a general picture for some project or filter. The list of issues is taken from the number of days you select starting from today. It can be 5, 10, 30, 50, or any other number you type.

How to configure

  1. Select project or filter
  2. Set period as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly.
  3. Type number of days 
  4. Choose refresh interval (never - every 15 minutes)

As a result, you’ve got a graph like on the screen below:

Average Age Gadget 1.png

The average is calculated by dividing the total time by the total number of issues recorded per period.

Average Time in Status gadget 

This chart shows the average time spent in chosen status for all resolved issues for some period.

How to configure

  1. Select project or filter
  2. Choose the status/statuses. You need to pick exactly the ones that belong to the required project. The pitfall is if you have several projects with the same statuses, it will be difficult to find appropriate ones.
  3. Type number of days to set the period.
  4. Choose refresh interval.

Average Time in Status Gadget.png

The gadget shows only time in status for resolved issues. Also, users face a problem of inaccurate results when the chart returns the issues that were not in the resolved state. Read more here.

Average time spent with Time in Status for Jira Cloud

To enhance Jira Cloud in quick orientation in time reports, our SaaSJet team has developed such add-on as Time in Status. It works for Jira`s classic and next-gen projects. You can find the average time in status for project, assignee, sprint, etc. Average cycle time and lead time are also configurable.

All of the reports can be displayed on Jira dashboard as gadgets.

What is the average time in state by sprint?

This report shows the average time spent in particular status for each day of the sprint. If you choose another filter like a project, epic, or label, then you can set any date range you need. 

Jira reports for Average time spent in status 1.png

To get the helicopter perspective on average time in Jira status, try to view this report as a chart.

Jira reports for Average time spent in status 2.png

What is the average time spent by the assignee?

How long does it take on average for your team members to complete a task or project? This report will help you to find out. You can select any dates for the time reporting period.

Jira reports for Average time spent in status 3.png

What is the average cycle time?

Average cycle time counts the time an issue is marked as “in progress”. For example, it may include “in progress” and “to review” statuses depending on the workflow you use. If you’d like to read more about the cycle and lead time, check out the article with a pizza example.

Jira reports for Average time spent in status 4.png

To get an average cycle and lead time using the status group option.

Jira reports for Average time spent in status 5.png

What tools do use to find mean resolution time for your team? Please share any solutions and advice on the average time spent to make the most out of Jira. You are welcome to try the ones described in the article.

Try Time in Status



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Steve Farrand August 13, 2024

Does the Time in Status add-on, have the capability to provide the time different type of tickers spend in specific statuses? 
Between - Bug, task, sub task.
Between different labels.

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August 13, 2024

Hi @Steve Farrand 👋

Certainly! Here are the steps to use Time in Status:

1. Simply filter the issues by using JQL with a query, for example:
issuetype=bug and project="IH Line"

Знімок екрана 2024-08-13 о 19.52.22.png

You can replace "bug" with "task" or "subtask". Also, I included "project=" to calculate the average time only from a specific project. If you do not add a project, the calculation will be across all your projects.

Hope it helps 😊

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