Is it possible to use linkedIssuesOf function provided by scriptRunner in Structure?

Patrice Lambert
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November 1, 2024

I am trying to create a filter in structure using this:

 issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project = A", "blocks") AND project != A


I have those functions available as part of Scriptrunner app but I get an error stating under the filter box:


Field 'issueFunction' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.


IS this fixable?

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Kristian Walker _Adaptavist_
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November 1, 2024

Hi Patrice,

I can confirm that in Jira Cloud you can only use the issueFunction() JQL function provided by ScriptRunner on the Enhanced Search page as described in the documentation here.

This is because Atlassian restricts how the JQL functions can interact with their infrastructure, meaning we must run them in a sandbox process.

However, this does not mean they cannot be used inside other filters or on filters for Agile boards or in Structure.

To use the functions in other filters, you may follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Navigate to the enhanced search page and construct the filter you require using the JQL functions provided bv ScriptRunner.
  2. Save your filter and share it with the users that are required to be able to see it.
  3. Create the JQL search used by your board filter or quick filter and reference the saved filter using the syntax shown below which will return the results of your filter using the JQL functions provided by ScriptRunner.

    filter = "<NameOfFilterHere>"

Using this approach you will be able to use your filter in Structure.

I hope this helps.



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