Extend Automation for Jira with Power Scripts™ for Jira

Anova Apps
Atlassian Partner
April 7, 2020

With the acquisition and release of Automation for Jira, Atlassian recognizes the importance of automation to streamline our work and in general, make our lives easier. We have to admit, integrating the add-on natively into Jira Cloud is a boss move. It's enabling admins to gleefully reduce the repetitive and tedious tasks in their daily work. Automation for Jira addresses many basic use cases, and utilizing a UI based interface only makes that easier by cutting away any need for code.


For you users with large teams that need some more power under the hood, you can compliment Automation for Jira with Power Scripts™ for Jira to address complex execution logic. Setting up the script within Automation for Jira is simple - during the execution step, select Power Scripts Action:

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Here's a scenario where the marriage of the two products has proven extremely valuable. 

Email Project Manager Once Time Has Reached 80% of Allocated Budget

While delivering multiple projects with many moving parts for a big client, we had small pieces falling through the cracks. There were cases where a budget of 100 hours had actually 140 hours logged. We knew we needed tighter visibility across the board so a decision was made to implement an early warning system to notify the correct parties when parts of a project were hitting a certain threshold. Instead of being blindsided by budget overruns, we could now proactively make strategic decisions that resulted in better delivery and results. 

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Whenever a work log is entered, the script will execute its validation check. Of course, the threshold can be adjusted within the script to fit your particular use case. Nifty config to grant you better visibility and enable you to proactively steer your project.


So you get the ease of use from Automation for Jira and the flexibility from Power Scripts. Basically the best of both worlds.

The two add-ons mentioned:

Automation for Jira: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1215460/automation-for-jira-server?hosting=server&tab=overview

Power Scripts for Jira: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/43318/power-scripts-jira-script-automation?hosting=cloud&tab=overview



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