🍻🍂Apptoberfest Demo🥨🍻WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira

Ami Emery - Ricksoft_ Inc_
Atlassian Partner
October 15, 2021

Happy Apptoberfest, everyone :beers::beers:

Don’t you love this time of the year? Crisp air, beautiful colored leaves, the fall harvest of goodness… :fallen_leaf::apple:

While Fall is the season of coziness and comfort, the year-end is creeping up right behind it :man_running::woman_running::ghost:

For busy project managers, WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira is the perfect solution that helps you organize the projects better so you can have a little spare time to enjoy beers and all other goodness of the season


:pretzel:What’s WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira?


WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira is a powerful new way to manage projects and teams in Jira. When you have complex Jira projects to manage, you need a clear path to success. WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira gives you the power to easily visualize dependencies, manage resources, and master your milestones. It integrates the capabilities of Jira and Gantt charts into an intuitive, lightning-fast, and innovative project management tool which interface is similar to that of Microsoft Project. 

Monitoring the progress of projects with WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira is a breeze as well. Team members can view the entire timeline and check if they are behind their schedules. Moreover, WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira highlights task dependencies that are critical to the final date of the project and gives the ability to conduct baseline plan tracking. Last but not least, it improves project communications and collaborations through real-time issue tracking and file, note, and attachment sharing as well as automatic updates and notifications. 


:star2:Top Features

  • Visual project planning with the best Jira Gantt chart

  • Add dependencies and edit them with a drag-and-drop interface

  • Point and click to modify schedules, and dependent issues update automatically

  • Smart workload allocation with resource monitoring

  • Low stress and delay-free responsive working environment


Let's get your free trial of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira today, and don’t forget to check out our product line-up :smile:


O'zapft is'!

Ricksoft Team


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Fabian Lim
Community Leader
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October 23, 2021

Great demo. Thanks for sharing.

Ami Emery - Ricksoft_ Inc_
Atlassian Partner
October 28, 2021

Thank you for watching:)

AUG Leaders

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