How to see hierarchy in jira ?

To visualize the complete progress of a project in Jira, you certainly need to see the rolled up time estimates and story points of your Epics and see percentage completion at project level. Rolled up means summing up from Sub Task -> Story or Task -> Epics.

However while implementing SAFe, there is a need for an issue hierarchy with more than just 2–3 levels. Many teams implement issue hierarchy like

Strategic Theme -> Business Epic -> Feature -> Story or Task -> Story or Task -> Sub-task

To achieve this in Jira, teams use Issue Link “is parent of” or “is child of” between Issues, instead of Epic Links. Because Epic Links can’t be chained between many levels. Issue Links doesn’t have any restrictions on chaining/levels. There may also be Issue Links for Dependencies or Blocking or Related.

And then to have more control on your project timelines, there is a need to strengthen your processes, to track your bottleneck issues. You need to see which issue has spent most time in which status or with which assignee, and take appropriate actions. Also you need to see where your resources are spending their time.

With the help of Agile Tools, you can achieve all of the above functionalities in one plugin.

Agile Tools - Epic Tree, Links Tree, Time in Status & Worklogs 

Key features of the app are:

Epic Hierarchy

Get an aggregate view of a project Epics in a nested tree. Sum up your Epic’s Time Spent, Original Estimate, Time Remaining, and %age Complete. Edit all key Jira fields on the hierarchy screen.

Epic Hierarchy - New.PNG


Links Hierarchy

Create / View up to 10 level of hierarchy based on your Issue Links. Sum up for Time Spent, Original Estimate, Time Remaining, and %age Complete. Edit all key Jira fields on the hierarchy screen.

Links Hierarchy - Create Linked issue animation.gif


Time in Status

Track your bottleneck Issues. Identify the issues which are taking more time by tracking their time spent in each status and time spent with each assignee, and take appropriate actions, with 20+ reports.



Worklogs Report

Worklog data within a specific date range for different projects. Group, categorize and filter the data.



Timesheet to view and enter time spent for all your issues for multiple days from a single place.

Timesheets Kanban animation.gif


More Details here

Do try it out for free today – Agile Tools



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