Create Jira issues from inside Confluence with Comala Workflows and ScriptRunner

It's common for teams to utilize Confluence to plan work, and then use Jira to organize that work. For example, at Comalatech, we have a number of customers who use Confluence to write software requirements, and then use Jira to manage their software development. A simple integration between the ScriptRunner for Confluence and Comala Workflows apps automates this process.

Automating Jira Issue Creation in Confluence

The integration hinges on the script developed by the ScriptRunner team. Running the script in Confluence looks for pages in the "approved" state, which is set by Comala Workflows. The script finds approved pages and then automatically creates Jira issues for each, which teams can then manage in Jira. 

Thinking back to the software development example, the process looks like this:

  1. The team collaborates on software requirements in Confluence
  2. Team leaders or managers approve the requirements with Comala Workflows
  3. A team member runs the ScriptRunner script
  4. The script automatically creates a related issue in Jira
  5. The development team uses the Jira issue to manage their software development


Configuring the Script

The integration requires both Comala Workflows and ScriptRunner to be installed on the same Confluence instance. You must also clearly identify the “final” states of your Workflow in the script in order for it to work correctly. Here’s the precise steps for configuring the integration:

  1. Ensure both apps are installed in your instance
  2. Open Confluence’s General Configuration and choose SCRIPTRUNNER: Event Listeners
  3. Press Add New Item → Custom event listener
  4. Fill out the event listener form. The “Events” field should be ApprovalApprovedEvent
  5. Change the fields in Line 24 as necessary (see ScriptRunner’s instructions here)
  6. Run the script

Learn More

You can find full instructions for the script, along with a variety of other helpful scripts, in the Adaptavist Library. Likewise, if you want to learn more about everything you can do with Comala Workflows you can head to our website. You can also try both apps for free for 30 days on the Atlassian Marketplace. 

Get Help

Having trouble configuring the script? Feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance. 



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