Automate your Jira Admin with these 2 SIL Scheduler Time Savers

Being a Jira Admin brings a ton of time management and solution challenges. Y’all know the drill, it’s Friday and you’re finally about to leave work on time when you get a last minute request for a script to be run. 

Luckily, while many scripts require a Jira Admin to be present, there are numerous situations where scripts can be planned and scheduled to be run at a time in the future that is more convenient in order to reduce the risk on the business. The common use case that we see is that you have to run a script at a specified time interval or need to schedule a time for a script to execute in a repeatable way on specific days, weeks, months and so on. 

In Power Scripts for Jira, using the SIL Scheduler, cloud users can now have the flexibility to write a script, schedule and plan when they would like it executed at some point in the future and can even pass different arguments into the script to get specific to projects or other Jira specifics. Hurrah! No more staying back late for you! 

The primary reason for needing a SIL Scheduler comes into play when:

  • you can’t disrupt users in the system
  • you don’t want to run it often
  • you can’t run the script off of a workflow or listener


Introducing The Power of 2: SIL Schedulers 
In Power Scripts for Jira, cloud users can now have 2 primary options of scheduling and executing scripts. Previously, there was no way to automate these scripts and Jira admins had to be physically present in order for these scripts to be run. Now, admins can choose between Interval Scheduling and Cron Scheduling, allowing scripts to run in the background at a specified time. 

#1 – Interval Schedule 
Using this setting you can run a script at a specified interval. For example, run my script in 30 minutes once and delete after execution. In addition, you can also add an ability to make your script run in a repeatable fashion. For example, run my script every 24 hours. 

#2 – Cron Schedule Using this setting, you can really open up the flexibility to write your own CRON statement in order to really dial in your scheduled events. For example, run my script at 1:00am on every Friday. The options here become endless and you can really start to customize to your needs. Options include running scripts every few seconds, minutes, hours, days, months.. You get the idea. 

Don’t hate, automate! 
SIL schedulers provide an easy and convenient solution to ensuring your scripts are run precisely on time and at a time where there is low risk of disruption to the system or users. It eliminates the human dependency element so you can have all the glory of a job well done with none of those pesky after hours. All you have to do is schedule your script, then schedule a congratulatory high 5 for a job well done. 

Take a look at the current routines available using the SIL Scheduler: 

Learn All About The SIL Scheduler 
Scheduling routines 





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