What is a User Story Map? How Does it Help Agile Team Operations?

According to the 11th Annual State of Agile Report, 35% of agile teams use story maps. A statistic that increased 6% since 2014.


What is a Story Map?

A User Story Map is a collaborative practice that guides an agile team in the creation of their product backlog. The story map captures the journey a customer takes with the product including activities and tasks they undertake. 


flat backlog to story map.001.jpeg



Creating the storymap as a team ensures team members are on the same page from the start of development through to ongoing delivery of new releases. 


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How Companies Use Easy Agile User Story Maps to Solve Problems 


Shared Understanding Through Collaboration: allows distributed teams to conduct collaborative story mapping sessions in real-time by creating simple and elegant story maps alongside Jira Software agile boards


Focus on Desired Customer Outcomes: visualization of the customer journey allows teams to identify and implement features based on customer outcomes, and track progress at a glance against a story map 


Bring the Customer Journey to Life: the transformation of the flat backlog to a customer centric story map means teams have a better understanding of their customer journey and what customers want 


Prioritising Actions Based on Value to Customer: visualization of the customer journey allows teams to prioritise work based on "value to customer", resulting in better outcomes with less waste 



1 comment

acanis February 27, 2018

Its is very complicated to map stories into just one journey step. Usally, EPICs are big Stories with a bigger value.

You use Stories in different way. That should work too, but how can I map bigger features into just one journey step? You cant slice everything that small. If you get for example a new way to navigate or to find things, it helps the user in different journey steps.

How do you handle that?

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