I am using Jira to manage a software project, with SCRUM board.
We have an active sprint, with many stories, tasks, and subtasks...
We faced a bag upon testing a subtask (contained in a story S1 for instance), which was moved to done, but its sprint was still active.
What is the best practice to log this bug:
1- by adding a separate Bug-type issue in the same sprint (for each bug)
2- or by adding a sub task with in the story S1 (for each bug)
3- or by adding a main Bug-type issue, then add a sub tasks within it for each bug
4- or what?
Thanks in advanced
Thanks @G subramanyam for your response
you are almost correct,
except that UI team working on a sub task (in Progress status) in this active sprint, found an error in the related API sub task (Done status) in the same sprint, both of them are sub tasks within a story.
so what is the best practice to do? return the API task to In Progress? or add a bug issue in the same sprint? or add a sub task in the same story? or add a separate bug with sub task for each bug found (during the same sprint) and link it to the related sub task that raised the problem...
Hi @Ibrahim Ghalghay if the goal of the Sprint is DOD and team have capacity to address in the sprint, then:
Option 1: Create sub-tasks or sub-bugs and tag to the main story for work completion in that Sprint.
Option 2. If team is in doubt of completion, create a story for next Sprint with title //main story number part-2| QA testing// and create tasks. (considering sub tasks can't be moved to other Sprints). This is for an idea and you may follow your project standards.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Hi Ibrahim, here is what I would do:
Since the story was at some point validated (maybe UATed by the PO or client?) and was moved to Done, I'd invite the team to make sure these are actual bugs and not new scenarios that could be considered new stories.
If these are actual bugs related to the original acceptance criteria of the story, I'd invite the team to assess their severity with the PO and either
a. add them as subtasks to the original story if let's say they are sev is 1 or 2 and its indicated in the team's DoD that no story can be released if bugs of those types are still open or
b. open separate bugs to be added to the backlog and be prioritized for a future sprint, if sev is lower.
I mentioned this because some teams are ok with considering a story Done if bugs Sev 3 or 4 related to the story are open i.e fixing sev 1 and 2 bugs is part of their DoD.
So I guess the team will as usual, decide depending on their house rules :)
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