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building a plan view by Team

Jerry Mooth August 12, 2021

I have a plan built and I want to view my epics by team.  I also want to see the sprints in the gantt chart.  I click "view settings", and Group by "Team".  "Show capacity on timeline" is checked.  What I see is two swimlanes; one corresponds to one of my four teams (though I'm not sure how the epics listed under that team have been associated with it other than that they are on that team's board), and the other is "Unassigned".  There is no change to the timeline display settings; I still see months.

Is there another setting that I need to make?

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Angus Russell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 12, 2021

Hi Jerry,

If you group by Team, the swimlanes are defined by the "Team" field. Adding that field to your plan might help you make more sense of it all.

The teams themselves should also be added to your plan under the "Teams" tab - otherwise they'll be considered "external" teams. When you add a team to your plan, you can set it's default iteration capacity, team members and team type (Scrum / Kanban).

Hopefully that's enough to get you on your way. Let me know if you have any further questions.



Jerry Mooth August 13, 2021

hi Angus, thanks for responding.  A few questions:

Is the Team field part of Jira, or just Roadmaps?  I added it to the plan view, and I am able to sign from a dropdown that contains the Teams I've defined in my plan.  I don't see the field on my epic, however, so I'm wondering if the field is even part of Jira.

It would appear that Team can only be assigned a single team; is that correct?  I have multiple teams that work on the same epics, so this would be a significant limitation.

How about showing sprints on the GANTT chart?  I still see months.

Angus Russell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 15, 2021

Hi Jerry,

The Team field is a custom field added by Advanced Roadmaps. You can get it to appear on various issue screens by configuring those screens in Jira.

Team is indeed a single select.

If you're still not seeing sprints on the timeline, it might be that your issue sources are either projects or filters. For Advanced Roadmaps to recognise and display sprints, your issue source needs to be a board. This is because sprints are properties of boards, not projects.


Jerry Mooth August 16, 2021

All of my issue sources are boards.  Anything else I can look at WRT showing sprints?

I'm asking my Jira admins about the Team field (we're on Jira Server, btw).



Jerry Mooth August 16, 2021

I figured out why sprints weren't showing.  In the Team definition, there is the association of the Team to an Issue Source.  That hadn't been done.  Fixed it, and now I see sprints.

So, slowly but surely, I'm getting there!



Angus Russell
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2021

Good to hear! Making it easier to set up capacity planning is something we're looking into. There are a lot of prerequisites, as illustrated by this thread.



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