Portfolio Issues Missing - Scope view limited for any reason?

Fabian Wagner
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February 15, 2018

In portfolio for Jira server 12.2 version, I have the following setup:

- a plan which refers to an agile board which gathers issues by a filter

- from 7 different jira projects

- restricted to Epic-Link is not EMPTY

- so in the filter I have around 1400 issues (showing correctly on the agile board)


in my portfolio plan the scope view seems to be limited to 477 issues on the story-Level ?!

That means also that I have Epics without issues assigned from which I know this isn't true, it's only because of the missing issues in portfolio. In the plan I do have all filters cleared and I am far away from the issue limit of 5000, so I do not understand where the issues get lost.

Any idea?

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