Jira Portfolio - Configuring Hierarchy Levels - Epic and Story

Steffen Schuchardt
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October 5, 2020


in this Documentation is a Screenshoot which shows that Epic and User Stories can be assigned to different Hierarchy Levels, so that User Stories can (from a Hierarchy Level view) put underneath Epic but separated and put above all other Standard Tasks.

Jira Portfolio Server 0318 - Configuring Hierarchy Levels 

In our Installation (Server Version 03.20) there is no possibility to adjust Hierarchy Level for User Stories in a way that they are below Epics. Epic Level is predefined with Ticket Type Epic (grayed out) and can't be changed.

I do have only the option to add User Stories to this Level on top or create a Hierarchy Level for User Stories higher than Epics - which does not really makes sence.

Any Ideas/Hints out there?

best regards, Steffen

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Steffen Schuchardt
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 5, 2020

Seems that just the Hierarchy Level is named "Story" and contains all Standard Issue Types, including Tasks. 

Atlassian Team
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October 14, 2020

This is correct - each hierarchy level has its own name, but you can rename the hierarchy level from "Story" to something else if you'd prefer. You do this from the hierarchy configuration page:

Screen Shot 2020-10-15 at 11.43.48 am.png

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