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How to stop email notification while synching portfolio plan to linked Jira issues using bulk update from Apply updates to Project

Radha Khullar May 29, 2015

3 answers

2 votes
Ryan Porter June 12, 2015

I had this problem too, and I found that you can disable pretty much every kind of notification in the notification scheme in your project settings.  I disabled notifications to watchers for any issue update and that pretty much solved my problem of having multiple people BEGGING me to stop spamming them with hundreds of useless notifications every time I triggered that option.

Nathan Funk December 30, 2019

But then they wouldn't get notifications for regular changes that they DO want to get notified about, no?

1 vote
Stephen Sayler August 7, 2020

It would be nice to have control over email notifications when saving Advanced Roadmaps changes to Jira, in the same way that's possible with Bulk Edit.

At times, the changes are important and worthy of notifying folks. Other times, I'm just doing cleanup resulting in dozens of notifications which is at best, unnecessary, and at worst, annoying. 

1 vote
Georgii Lumpov February 22, 2019

@Radha Khullar 

Did you manage to have a solution to this?

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