I have ORG ADMIN rights and it was normally not a problem to add groups (Jira User, Confluence User, additional Groups) to a reactivated User again. I really tried hard today, but there is no ...
I am a "site admin " and an "user Access Admin" . Until recently I could add and remove users in Confluence and Jira, no issues. Here recently something chan...
Estoy validando la documentación y configuración de los usuarios administradores pero no encuentro la opción de configuración del usuario administrador del sitio. I am validating the documentation a...
What should I do when I reject the user but if I need him to apply again? When I accidentally reject the user's app, but now he needs to rejoin it, how should he apply again?
...ee these stories on the Master board. Only I can see them. I went to permissions, and it seems everything is fine. Even the filter is set to public and not private. Not sure what I am missing here. B...
Pi network account name who's change
I am trying to add myself as an admin to confluence for my business. I was able to be added as an organizational admin for Atlassian but is there something else I need to do to be added as an admin s...
We are trying to grant a team member access to Confluence but no site admin, org admin or user admin can do that. Their last activeness is shown as 'unavailable' and they cannot reach Confluence at a...
We have a problem with one user for access in Jira. The user A and User B have exact same product access and added to the exact same groups in Jira. The priviledges for manage sprint User A c...
Hi Team, Currently my Full name is showing as SniKanamarlapudi however my name is prasad kanamarlapudi kindly correct the details in my account and attached relevant document for your refere...
How to reactivate an account? The procedure available on the website in old.
Hello, I had activated the Confluence Trial, but I want to deactivate it. How can I do that?
Why is the Deactivate button is grayed out when I try to deactivate my managed user accounts?
Subject: Request for Account Deletion Dear Atlassian Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request the deletion of my Atlassian account. Below are my acc...
Hi Team, I am trying to add a user to Jira with our domain but he cannot view it due to no email access. He already has another account with a different domain. Is this the reason he cann...
I delete my Workspace 'hifzur05' delete by mistake can I retrieve this. Please help
A handful of users were deactivated but we are unsure how or why this happened. Are there any logs we can check?
i cant activate the delete button
We have new hires and we need to add them to our tools, including Confluence where the knowledge base articles with resolutions are stored. Two agents who previously worked on the acc...
Is there a customer service number?
I have a project with two admins, and one of us can see the selection of users on the user picker field in a form but the other can't. We have the same permission and groups, cleared cache etc. and n...
Gostaria de cancelar aa minha conta e solicitar o reembolso do valor.
I have 3 users who are Project admins and scrum masters on a specific project, but they are unable to add users. When attempting to add users they receive a message stating "You've requested access f...
I cant delete my organisations because i cant remove free products. Please try to fix that!
When admins send out the new user invites to internal Atlassian products, the invite sends immediately. It would be really helpful if it could be scheduled to send out at a specific date (and ...
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