Team, We are looking to upgrade from Standard to Enterprise. What additional functionality can we find in Enterprise and what are some use cases that would serve as justification...
Hallo in die Runde, bei den wundervollen Beschreibungen der einzelnen agilen Artefacte bin ich von der Beschreibung einer User Story über einen Text auf den Beitrag gekommen, wie man User Stories in...
Hey there, I’m currently investigating new ways, on how to use the page properties macro in Confluence Cloud and I was wondering if one of you has ever used multiple PP Macros on one Page? If so...
Hi, I want to know which should be a part of a Kanban board: Use Cases or User Stories? The scenario is that we have issues in Jira and GitHub that are marked as use cases and user stories. We hav...
Hi All, I have a API integration project (main project), under that i have created multiple EPICS based on API integration, Core changes, Payment Gateway integration etc. I wanted to pic user storie...
Hi Am a newbie and want to setup Use Cases in Jira Automatically creating SRS ( System Requirements Specifications) document from JIRA Tool.
We are a team of 2-3 having used Jira for 4 years, using Jira's tools, most likely using it poorly... What I am realizing is that I have been shifting methods of organizing the product requirem...
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