For some reason, this board belonged to a college friend, but I think it wasn’t actually the board that was his—it was the work area 'Easy Energy' that belonged to him. Today, he erased the work area...
Hello, I have used Trello in a commercial, workplace setting and in my personal life. The way we used it in the commercial environment seems counter to how the program what designed, so I wanted t...
Preciso que nessa parte do codigo da automacao capture as 2 variaveis, telefone e rastreio. when a card with a description containing "Telefone: {* },rastreio: {* }" is added to list "DE...
Alguien mas está experimentando dificultad para ingresar a trello desde chromebook y como lo está resolviendo?
Can an observer besides commenting can they also add pictures in the comments area?
I would like to create a rule that when an email comes in (all boards) the cover is removed (it takes a lot of space). Can't figure out how to do it.
I need to know what should i do in case i had created a premium account for 14 days however i wanted a free account? how it is possible convert to free?
Some time ago I set up an account with Trello under one email address. When re-invited to that board yesterday I tried to log in, but was stopped by the need for a code from Google Authenticator. I d...
Today a problem arose that I can't put dates and times in the calendar, it crashes and doesn't save, because of this we can't work normally
I'm trying to add a variable to my Trello email reports that shows how many items are completed and how many are incomplete in any checklist on a card. Can you help me with this? I'd l...
On > login, I made the unfortunate mistake to select my Google Single Sign-On account, which is (I know now) *not* the account my Trello is linked to. It is impossible to undo that s...
I was using the trello app for android, typing into the description for more than an hour, using the divided screen on my tablet. A went to the home screen and as I came back I had lost all the p...
Hi everyone, I created a "Test Recurring" card and added a Card Repeater power up to it. Once done with the testing, I deleted the card with the repeater on it but it still creates a card on schedu...
Hi, How do we recover our account when two-factor doesn't offer that option? I know my password but I changed phones.
Hi, I changed my phone and now I'm unable to receive the 6 digit code. I don't remember where I saved my recovery so I am trying to get a new one. Can you help me please ? I am unable to get a new on...
I'm using Trello Premium and would like to limit who has access to board buttons as well as organize them by creating a library, but I do not see the option to tag these automations. Is it possible t...
All the names (Atlassian, Trello, and Jira to name a few) are confusing and I don't know what the difference between them all are. I thought Trello was project management software but somehow I...
how do we upgrade (I have 10 members already)and what will be the cost to add 5 more people, do I know have to pay for the original 10?
My computer is trying to make me sign in under a different email address, other than mine. My computer did some type of reset, and I need to regain access to Trello for my work schedule to check f...
Fui deslogada de todos o quadros que Administro aqui no Trello. Por que isso ocorre e como posso conseguir voltar pra eles com urgência?
Hi there, just wanted to ask how do I change the distance between the lines.
Hi, I've used Trello for my work planning for a few years, in Safari for Mac. The last few months I've experienced problems for the first time. Consistently, it stops working – so that the lists a...
Hi, we work with Trello and it worked perfectly till now. I can‘t login on out iPads. On the desktop everything works Fine. So I closed the App and reinstalled it, nothing....
Hi, When trying to login to the Trelli extension on Gmail app on Android I keep getting the following error message: Google Apps Script The state token is invalid or has expired. Please try ...
When I opened my app, a message stated there was an error and kicked me out to the log in page. I attempted to log in but my password wasn't recognised. I asked for a password reset but when I click...