So, I have problem with timeline JIRA because I need to see the Dev & QA's timeline per task, not the bigger picture timeline that only have start date and end date. The purpose is to share the p...
...our data and help your team understand progress at a glance. 3. Create a Timeline for Long-Term Project Visualization When you’re juggling multiple projects or managing a roadmap with various m...
In my timeline I have an epic. In the epic I made a web link to a story that is in a Jira Project outside of mine. The link is accepted and displays inside the epic at the bottom showing the s...
...s gone as is our timeline. I have gone to Project Settings > Features and am unable to enable Backlog or Timeline. I am directed to got to board Settings. I did so and changed the mapping so we h...
Here is a description of what I have and am trying to achieve I am using Jira. I am trying to make my Jira tasks display in a certain way in the timeline view. Here is what I have: - I have a F...
If i activate hide done items in the view settings option, It'll hide done epics but also done tasks from other epics. I only want to hide done epics and all their child tasks, is there any wa...
Hi! I am a project manager and i create cards on what i put my self as a member and the team member assigned to the task. in the time line i want to see only the cards in what i am the member only. s...
I can only change the color of the beggining of the idea card , and would like to change the whole backgroud of the idea. Ideas are white against a light grey brackground. No contrast! Also ...
Hi team, A sprint is missing from the 'Sprints' bar in one of our board's timeline views. I can't identify any reason for this, comparing it to the other visible sprints. Any help would be a...
Hi! I plan big projects with the Timeline view. There are phases that last from X to Y, but also individual tasks that need to be done in each phase. In the Timeline view, I only want to see the timeline...
Hi All, I am having an problem where when I use my board to create tasks and assign start and due dates to them, they will not appear on my timeline. However, if I create a "task" through t...
...o set the same details over and over. Less admin work, more doing. 🏆 How to Visualize Subtasks on the Timeline in Jira Alright, but how do you keep track of all these moving parts visually? A l...
I have a software project that has dependencies/work across several other software projects. When I look at the work in timeline view, I can only see the child tasks from the main board nested u...
...pic linked to the ATLAS project. What I would like to happen, is for the target date set in ATLAS to update the end date for the associated epic, so that the timeline view is driven by ATLAS updates a...
Hi, I am not able to create a timeline or advance roadmap in Jira with all user stories, tasks and sub-tasks linked from Feature and EPICs. Is this an access privilege issue or something else?
I have seen this happen multiple times in Jira Product Discovery. When I place an idea next to another in the timeline view, in specific spots of the timeline only, it won't let me add the idea t...
I created a new org yesterday. To be clear, I mean with a new prefix: [org] It contains a single project, which is team-managed. I turned off most features, keeping only Timeline, B...
If you’re managing projects in Jira, you’ve likely come across the Timeline view. It's a powerful tool for visualizing how tasks, teams, and entire projects come together. But how exactly does it w...
How is it possible to move multiple timelines at the same time in Jira Plans? Example: Delay in the project - all downstream tasks are also moved. Unfortunately, it does not work via d...
We use JPD to create a roadmap on initiative level across teams by using a timeline view grouped by "team". Usually, more than one team needs to contribute to an initiative so the i...
Currently, there is no automation in the timeline if a subtask is longer than its parent. And also, if I move the task that is linked to the next task, it only shows the alert if the task overlaps t...
If I create a subtask under a story, when I review the changes and try to update it, I get a screen where I am to fill in the details of the task (similar to when creating an issue outside the Plan)....
...rows, shrinks, or the timeline gets a makeover. Welcome to the world of scope change! It can be stressful and overwhelming, but don't worry, we've got your back. Effective project management r...
I've created a plan based on a filter of tickets. The project completed a few months ago. Every time I open the plan, the timeline, by default, is showing what's happening TODAY. Is it possible to s...
Hello all, I'm using JIRA Cloud and i would like embed my projects timelines in a web application ? I saw in the documentation that an embed option was available in the share button b...
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