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×When I use {toc} it lists its own header "Table of Contents" in the table of contents. How do I get it to ignore certain parts of the space, like tip boxes?
With the following user macro the rendering of the page leads to the exception: Fehler beim Rendern des Makros 'toc': com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyException com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Dupl...
See attached image. "Error rendering macro 'toc' : [com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxLazyException] com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Duplicate attribute 'class'. at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [141,116]"...
I want to link to a heading far below on a Confluence page. This page also contains a TOC macro at the top. The link pagename#heading jumps to the heading listed in the TOC macro, not the "real" one...
I use {include} page macro quite a bit. however when i have a Table of contents on the page, the links don't work on the page where the TOC are included. Is there a workaround, but would like to reta...
Wanted to add this capability for those out there looking to unify page layouts within a space: Goal here was to have a table of contents on every page in a given space, but this could be used to r...
We've got a nasty issue. A lot of our documentation consists of large pages. For a better navigation within the page, we use a lot of anchors. If one of those anchors is accidently formated as headin...
Hi All, If there is multiple uml-sequence diagram (https://labs.atlassian.com/wiki/display/CUML/Confluence+UML+Sequence+Plugin) on a single page, we need to use the 'file' parameter to make each di...
How to add header and footer to TOC page in PDF?
The Table of Contents Macro in Confluence keeps taking my headings and displaying them like this, with random spaces (even though my document doesnt have them) 1. Ex Heading 1 2. Ex Heading 2 ...
Confluence 4.1.9, Download, Ubuntu 11.04 w/Apache, PostgreSQL and OpenJDK. Upgraded today from 3.5.19. Ok, this one has me puzzled. The TOC macro refuses point blank to work. Existing pages which...
Hello everyone, in very short this is my question: Is there a way to generate a table of contents (toc) and not use page names for this but something else (like my own headings)? ----- In more...
Hello, We have some page headings such as "Step 2: Catalog Transfer", or "How to create widgets, and deploy them". Clicking these links in a page's TOC when using IE version 8 or 9 doesn't t...
If you want to make a TOC filter that does not display certain headers you can use toc:exclude. For example if I want to exclude headers that have the word Our or the word Ticket in them I can use: ...
I tried to use TOC for page with content (haedings) generated with reporter macro. It doesn't work. Probably beacause of that, there are no anchors generated. Is there a way to generate them automati...
I use the TOC macro all over my pages but on some pages (seemingly inexplicably) it throws up an exception on some pages but not others. I get the following error: Error rendering macro 'toc' : [...
This is running Confluence 4.1.2. I have a template that I am using that contains a table of contents as well as a tasklist. Whenever the tasklist comes after the table of contents I cannot add items...
In a page I have data about 2011. In the top is the year, then month and then day. Now I am going to add data about 2012, the table content I am using is going to be huge. Is there a way that I can...
Hi, Using Confluence for the wiki....When using the Insert Table of Contents function, you're given the option to number the table of contents list. This works well, but when you see the saved pa...
I imported a Word document into a Confluence 4.0 space using the Documentation theme, splitting into multiple topics down to the fourth level. The import looks pretty good except the table of content...
Hello, I'm using Scaffolding with textareas for headers. The Toc macro show the titles but in the area of scaffolding even in the view mode. Is their a way to have a table of anchor in the ...
We're using Confluence 3.0.1. I want to display an entire page within another page - so I'm using the INCLUDE macro to do this. The page that I want displayed has a TOC macro. Problem: Even thr...
Hi, we're using scaffolding to create standardized pages. In these pages we use textareas, so the user cannot easily forget certain subjects. The last of these texareas is for the user to ad...
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